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A Day in the Life of a Patient
What to Expect From the Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program at Innerspace Counseling

Day One
John had his first major panic attack at age 38. His wife drove him to the hospital while he clutched his chest, fearing that he was having a heart attack. After tests and talking to the doctors about the increased stress he’s been experiencing in his life and the anxiety that he’s been feeling as a result, John was medically cleared, only to accept that it might be time to take a deeper look at the state of his mental health.

Taking the First Step
John decided to take the first step toward bettering his mental health by having a 20-minute phone consultation with a clinician at Innerspace Counseling. They discussed the events that led to this point, how he was currently feeling, and his health history. John shared with his clinician that he had been recently let go from his job and the financial stress on his family was overwhelming. There were days that he didn’t want to get out of bed or even take a shower — a behavior that was very unlike him.
The Next Step: Attending an Evaluation
After the phone consultation, John decided to take the next step toward bettering his mental health by attending an evaluation with a psychiatrist and therapist at Innerspace Counseling in Old Bridge. They recommended that he partake in their Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). John accepted their recommendation, and he was able to start the program the very next day.

At the start of his IOP, John attended an orientation session with his Innerspace Counseling therapist, Raechel Mercado, LSW. During orientation, Raechel and John reviewed the program rules, schedule, and what to expect during this treatment program. John agreed to attend the program on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Over these days he is expected to participate in group therapy, individual therapy, family sessions with his wife, and medication management appointments. It all sounded a little overwhelming to John at first, but he was hopeful that the program would help him in the end.

Group Therapy
After reviewing everything about the Intensive Outpatient Program with his therapist, John was able to join Group Therapy that was already in session. Raechel sent him a Zoom link to join the session with another Innerspace Counseling therapist named Anthony. There were eight other members in the group who welcomed John before continuing their discussion about how they can practice mindfulness over the next few days. When everyone finished sharing, they introduced themselves to John and reviewed the group rules.

Restored Hope
Towards the end of the group therapy session, John felt more settled, and he even enjoyed hearing stories from some of the other group members and seeing how supportive they were to one another. Everyone shared how they felt or an experience like his that they themselves had had. As they discussed their mental health problems, anxieties, sadness, cravings, and other issues, Anthony from Innerspace Counseling challenged the group to identify ways in which they could better handle those situations if they happen again. By the end of Day One, John was at peace, and he felt hopeful that the Intensive Outpatient Program at Innerspace Counseling could teach him how to handle his panic attacks and anxiety.
Support for Every Step
At Innerspace Counseling, we understand that each and every one of our clients has unique needs. That’s why we offer a personalized approach to bettering your mental health with our Intensive Outpatient Program. No matter what you may be struggling with, we are here to provide you with comfort and peace of mind every step of the way. Call our Old Bridge clinic today to schedule your first consultation.