Bullying Treatment
It’s important to understand the types and causes of bullying and if your child is bullying or being bullied so they can get the help they need. At Innerspace Counseling in New Jersey, we strive to provide counseling services to those needing the tools and support to live a better, happier life.

Common Causes Of Bullying
Youth bullies are often caused by emotional, family, and peer factors. Emotional factors include the bully having low self-esteem, not understanding others’ emotions, and the bully having been bullied in the past or currently. Family factors may include growing up in environments where aggressive behavior is typical or when the bully receives minimal emotional support. Peer factors include controlling their peers, maintaining social power, and excluding others from a specific social group.

Targets Of Bullying
Youth perceived as being different from their peers (due to social status, gender, race, religion, gender identity, sexual preference, etc.) are more at risk for being bullied. Other children at risk for being bullied include youth who are perceived as weak and unable to defend themselves. Youth experiencing anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem are also more likely to get bullied. Children who are less popular than others, have fewer friends, and do not get along with their peers are also frequent targets.

Types Of Bullying
There are three most common types of bullying: verbal, social, and physical. Cyberbullying can also be prevalent among children and adolescents.

What We Can Do To Help
To find out if your child is a good candidate for our counseling program, contact Innerspace Counseling for more information. We treat children who have mild to moderate behavioral issues, as well as children with varying degrees of anxiety, depression, and mood problems.
Bullied kids are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, health complaints, and decreased long-term academic achievement. Kids who bully are more likely to abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and adulthood, get into fights, drop out of school, have criminal convictions, and be abusive toward their partners, spouses, or children as adults. Schedule a consultation today at Innerspace Counseling in New Jersey to prevent the long-term effects of bullying and help your child get the help they need.
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